The agent's view

CallGuide Answer can be used via the agent applications, CallGuide Agent and Egde Agent.

If there is no link on your web site, in your support system, or as a menu choice in CallGuide Agent, you can open your web browser and enter the web address to your CallGuide Answer Agent portal, like

This picture provides an example of an agent portal, with all details described below.

A list of guides, i.e. questions with answers, divided into various categories.
An easily navigated structure, where menus etc. are automatically adapted to web browser size.
A search box for free text search.
An area for messages from the administrator.
A copy function, which sends topic details to clipboard, so agent can quickly paste content in chats, mail etc.
Flags to choose language.
Formulas the agent can fill in, to be sent automatically as emails. Such as with
Fields where the questions for selected category, or answers to the selected questions, are presented.
Yes and No buttons to provide feedback for whether an answer has filled the requirement.
One column for news and links.


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB